Poekoelan kung fu - EuroGames 2022!

My Friend The Ground

Poekoelan Kung Fu Workshop:

Learn how to defend yourself and how to move fluently on the ground.

Become friends with the ground. Poekoelan is like flowing water but strikes back like fire.

In this workshop you will learn basic techniques from the ground. This includes:

  • Striking
  • Kicking
  • Parrying
  • Moving on the ground

The workshop is open to all levels.

Bring water to the training (and kneepads if you have them).

Let us know if you have any questions. Go to our Contact form (please write EuroGames 2022 in the subject field).

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group does poekoelan kung fu

We are looking forward to training with you. See you at the EuroGames 2022

Poekoelan Kung Fu:

Authentic Indonesische martial art

Poekoelan Kung Fu is an authentic Indonesian martial art with Chinese Kung Fu influences

Effective Selfdefense

You will learn street smart selfdefense. Striking and kicking and moving on the ground like you never thought was possible.

Tiger Style

Poekoelan Kung Fu is inspired by the movements of 4 animals. One of the animalstyles that it is based on is the Matjan or Tiger style. The tiger teaches us to move on the ground and to strike out of movement.

Fun training

Let's have some fun training together. It is important to us that everyone feels welcome and safe. Train with respect and enjoy getting to know each other.

“It is great that you can participate in the workshops Poekoelan kung fu at your own level. I learned that with a couple of simple techniques you can defend yourself even if you have to do that from the ground. And don't forget about the fun factor. I really had a great time”

— Participant workshop "My friend the ground"

Find your power faster. Keep training & let's stay in touch.

Poekoelan kung fu offers weekly classes for beginners and advanced participants in Amsterdam. We also offer workshops in the Netherlands or elsewhere on your request. Subscribe to our mailinglist to stay informed, go to our website to sign up for a 2 week free membership or contact us (please write Eurogames 2022 in the subject field).